Introduction of Whey Isolate :

Casein is a protein supplement of milk origin. Casein provides our body with a complete range of amino acids required for muscle building, post-exercise recovery, and enhancing the strength. In fact, casein is a support protein and should be taken along with other sports supplements to be more effective. Casein can be combined with other ingredients such as milk, creatine and beta-alanine. Casein consumption, before and after training, as well as before sleep, can help athletes reach their desired state.

The benefits of casein consumption:
Helping to increase sports performance, improving muscle growth, helping to rebuild muscles, reducing muscle destruction, increasing muscle volume, helping to improve sleep, helping to reduce body fat, helping to regulate blood sugar, resisting against mental and physical stress, helping to Improve the mental performance and improving memory, concentration and learning ability are all the benefits of consuming casein.

Medical recommendations for consuming casein:
It should be noted that casein consumption is prohibited for some people. For example, people with dairy allergies should avoid casein. Also, people who have serious kidney or heart problems should consult their doctor before consuming casein.

Serving size: 33 g

Energy                               122 KCal
Fat                                      0.7 g
Carbohydrate                   3 g
Protein                              26 g

This product is produced by DR Sun from Pamin Industrial Group.

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